Sunday, June 9, 2019

Gamekeeper, War of the Realms

Only one new comic this week.
War of the Realms 5
Jason Aaron does a horrible job with the timeline here.  He jumps around in an incoherent matter, leaving me unclear as to what’s going on for the entirely of the issue.  The individual scenes have some real gems, but they don’t make for a satisfying epic.

Okoye rules.

I'd rather live in Wakanda too.

Also, why is Cable hunting Vader in this ad?

Gamekeeper 1-5
Guy Ritchie teams up with Andy Diggle to write this not-so original story.  A man with a dark past has spent the last however many years trying to find peace as the reclusive gamekeeper of a ranch.  Naturally, the very thing that drove him to solitude comes back with a vengeance, driving him back into the world of violence he was so desperate to avoid.  

Sure, something like John Wick uses the same basic premise, but it adds a number of clever twists and flourishes that set it apart from the pack in a way that Gamekeeper does not.  This was pretty enough with Mukesh Singh’s art, using what appears to be Virgin Comics’ house coloring style with garish neon colors.  I intended to cut this when I first started reading it, but it’s a fun enough paint-by-numbers adventure, worth keeping around. (Also I spent two bucks on it, so good value.)

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine    

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