Wednesday, June 26, 2019

GI Joe

GI Joe Yearbook 3
GI Joe 4, 6-20, 22-24
The start of what’s a far larger GI Joe collection than I remember having.  This is going to take a while.

Along with Transformers, GI Joe was my toy of choice growing up in the 80s.  Yet for some reason, Transformers was the only comic that I bought at the time.  All of these Marvel issues weren’t purchased until much later out of nostalgia.  

So I don’t regret buying these issues at all, they definitely take me back to a time that’s fun to remember.  But they’re not top-tier comics by any stretch :) Larry Hama wrote just about every issue in this 155-issue run, and I believe he’s currently writing a follow up ongoing for IDW Comics.  I’m amazingly stunned at his ability to mix actual US military jargon and tactics with the completely absurd world of Cobra, GI Joe, and their insane technologies. I’m sure plenty of examples will arise as I go through the various things that caught my attention.

Heh, snark from Snake-Eyes

A great splash page, but this is what I mean about insane tech - a modular ATV with telescoping neck traversing a chasm while in the middle of a firefight against the Soviet October Guard.  Hama follows the 80s tradition of calling out the names of everyone on the page. With such a massive roster of characters, it’s definitely appreciated. But a lot of the time, it feels like half the text is filled with nothing but names.  

Nice cover, feels like an old school war comic.

There are crap ton of death traps in this HQ out in the middle of nowhere.  Kids probably dug it, but all I can think about are the prohibitive costs involved with installing all of them, on the off chance that intruders will try to break in?  Seems like an armed contingent would be much more effective.

Where are they getting all the money??  Where are they getting all the tech??

Ah, yes.  "Silicone Valley."  Where they make the "chips."

I get that he's a SEAL, but why is he wearing flippers on land?

Larry Hama doesn't think very highly of Coney Island.

Love the color gradients, but they really clash with the flat style of the era.

Yep, he's got all the ransom-fulfilling steps checked off.

Every faceplate needs a strawhole.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Fine

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