Sunday, June 23, 2019

Excellence, Unstoppable Wasp, Skyward

Excellence 2
I’d forgotten about this comic until it showed up in my pull fulder - the title didn’t register in my brain when I saw it on the weekly release list.  It’s still fun, and reads like Creed with Harry Potter wizarding instead of boxing.  Writer Brandon Thomas has a few rough spots with his time jumps - For the majority of the story, he uses “Now,” “19 minutes ago,” “22 minutes ago,” etc as his temporal markers.  All well and good. But in the last two pages, he switches to the age of Spencer as his reference points: “Age 15,” “Age 19.” That threw me for a loop. Does that mean that the last scene, at Age 19, is four years in the future?  Or was Age 15 a flashback? Confusion.

Still, it’s good to read and great to look at.  Khary Randolph can draw a sweet looking page.

Unstoppable Wasp 9
Wasp is being cancelled with issue 10, so there’s only one more issue of this delightful comic coming up.  I’m sad, but also happy that I even got the chance to read ten more issues of this after the end of its initial run.  Jeremy Whitley is moving on to write Future Foundation, and I’ll be sure to pick that up - more kids doing science and going on adventures sounds just fine to me.  

The lab coat line makes it onto my list of favorites.

Skyward 14
After a (very) slight dip in fun for the last four or five months, Joe Henderson and Lee Garbett wrap up their second arc with a massive bang, delivering on story and art in spades.  (Henderson’s the one who needed to return to form. Garbett’s been kicking ass all along.) I’m going to show things that make me happy now.

She looks so graceful floating there, it blows me away.

Giant butterfly army.  Stunning.

Fearless, wonder-filled children are always fun to read.  Unless they're stupid.

What a sweet way to end it :)

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