Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Daredevil 358-362, 380
DD 358 - I’m assuming this fill-in issue was a rush job.  It’s the only thing that accounts for the sloppy pencils and multiple inkers, which adds up to 22 pages of art that do not belong in sequence.

Thick lines.

Thin lines.

Blacks all over the place, you can't even see the lines.

And now Karen is playing the role of jealous partner.  Is there any hysterical girlfriend trait that she hasn’t been saddled with over the years?

DD 360 - Along with issue 354 from yesterday, I think these are the only two issues from the Kesel run that I’m going to keep.  It’s another fine example of agile-hero-versus- lumbering-villain.  Daredevil takes quite a beating from the Absorbing Man, and doesn’t emerge from his victory unscathed; His internal narration during the fight, as his injuries mount and exhaustion threatens to consume him, is a compelling demonstration of the will that drives him.  

Also, Matt’s reaction to Rosalind’s relationship to Foggy is pretty great.  

DD 362 - Rosalind Sharpe’s an interesting character.  She’s a by-the-book strong, independent, career woman who gets what she wants.  She’s also a self-proclaimed bitch.  I have the unsettling, completely unsubstantiated feeling that in Kesel’s mind, the two sides go hand in hand.  I can’t put my finger on why.  

It also completely undermines Sharpe’s self-reliance when Daredevil and Grippo share a wink and a handshake over how she’s so stubborn that they need to help her behind her back and throw her the occasional bone so that she thinks she’s in charge.  Blech.  

DD 380 - The last issue of Daredevil volume 1, before Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada take over on the Marvel Knights run.  DG Chichester and Lee Weeks do a one and done.  Meh.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No (Yes for 360)
Rating: Didn’t suck (Fine for 360)

That’s all for Daredevil for now.  The Miller, Smith, Bendis, and Waid runs are on my bookshelf, so I’ll get to them many, many months from now.  Overall, the Nocenti, Chichester, and Kesel eras were all underwhelming.  A huge chunk did not survive the purge.  

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