Friday, January 5, 2018

Captain America: White

Captain America: White 0-5
I think this was the final one of the Loeb/Sale Marvel Color arcs.  None of them are as good as the amazing Batman Halloween stories that they did together earlier in their careers, much less the stellar Superman: For All Seasons (a pinnacle work for both of them).

This one, in particular, is far too maudlin.  Loeb has made a career out of writing sentimental internal monologues for his protagonists, many times to great effect.  But six issues of Captain America examining Bucky’s death for every possible angle does the characterization of Steve Rogers no favors.  “Could I have saved you?  Why did I let you come along?  Who’s going to have my back now?  I hated how you did this, I loved how you did that, I feel so guilty!!!!!” and on and on and on.  It brings nothing new to the table, and doesn’t serve what the readers already know particularly well.

The story itself is fine, recounting one of Cap and Bucky’s adventures with Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos.  Though I took exception to the part where Cap drives up the side of the Eiffel Tower in a motorcycle to land on top of a zeppelin.  C’mon.  

And if you're surrounded by Germans, what're they doing with a Sherman tank?

And Tim Sale’s art is always a treat, even when he eschews any proper sense of proportion:

Unless his feet are coming out the bottom like the Flintstones, no way he's fitting in that jeep.

Is this really that far from Rob Liefeld?

Both the poses and words could be something out of Dark Knight Returns.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine

Done with Marvel Box 2!  

Box Summary:
Time spent reading: 26 hours, 9 minutes
Issues read: 209
Issues cut: 16
Highlights (Good or better): Avenging Spider-Man 1-5, New Avengers 27-30, Black Widow vol. 6 1-14

Project Summary:
Time spent reading: 51 hours, 1 minute
Issues read: 359
Issues cut: 29

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