Saturday, December 28, 2019

Transformers, Ottaviani Science, New Comics

Another new comic:
Superman Smashes the Klan 2
Gene Luen Yang and Gurihiru continue to tell a wonderful tale about outsiders trying to belong.  The racists are suitable horrible, but getting their comeuppance prevents them from being unbearable within the context of the story.  

Transformers: War Within: Dark Ages 1-6
Transformers: G1 vol 1 1-6
Transformers: G1 vol 2 1-6
Transformers: G1 vol 3 0-6
After reading 31 issues of Dreamwave Transformers, my main complaint is that none of it matters.  These robots have been fighting for over 4 million years, and it feels like they’ll be going for 4 million more with no change in the status quo.  When there are no stakes, the pointlessness of it all comes screaming to the forefront. It’s all very gorgeous with some wonderful art, and the IP keeps it from being horrible, but those are the only reasons why I’m not cutting these from my collection.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes (maybe)
Rating: Didn’t suck

Two-Fisted Science
This is the Jim Ottaviani science section of my collection.  Ottaviani has made a career of writing comics about famous (and lesser known) scientists throughout history, an endeavor that I wholeheartedly support.  Unfortunately, the writing is never as good as I want it to be - I love the subject matter, and I love learning about these brilliant people, but Ottaviani always struggles with narrative and clarity.  His comics feel more like random snatches of scenes that make sense to him in his mind, but come out jumbled when committed to paper. It’s an awful shame, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I keep buying his work regardless.  I keep hoping that it’ll get better, and I so want him to succeed, especially for such a noble purpose.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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