Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Ottaviani Science

Happy new year!  2019 will probably go down as my craziest year ever: Laid off in January, found out my wife was pregnant in February, one of my best friends died of cancer in June, started a new job in July, and became a father in October.  All the highs and lows of life. Here we go with 2020.  

Dignifying Science
Suspended in Language
More Jim Ottaviani science comics, this time an anthology about female scientists, Niels Bohr, and Stephen Hawking.  I like Suspended the best, Ottaviani is most successful there at mixing interesting anecdotes and a consistent, coherent narrative.  I admit that I sometimes lose patience when he gets too deep into the science, but I by no means wish that he tone it back.  It’s my fault, not his, that I don’t want to spend the time to understand it all. He shouldn’t dumb it down for the reader more than he already has.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes 
Rating: Nice, Fine for Hawking

And that’s it for Miscellaneous Box 6!  Mostly Transformers and science comics.

Box Summary:
Time spent reading: 20 hours, 44 minutes
Issues read: 134
Issues cut: 20
Highlights (Good or better): Major feels for a good chunk of my Transformers collection, but nothing otherwise stood out.

Project Summary:
Time spent reading: 23 days, 15 hours, 20 minutes
Issues read: 4369
Issues cut: 598

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