Sunday, December 15, 2019

Transformers Universe, Transformers/GI Joe

Transformers Universe 1-4
LOVED this as a kid - Biographies on every Transformer ever.  I devoured these issues again and again. (I didn’t re-read this, it’d be like reading an encyclopedia, but I flipped through it and soaked in the memories.)

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: No
Rating: Major Feels

Transformers/GI Joe 1-6
Transformers and GI Joe crossover during World War II with Jae Lee doing the art.  So cool. It doesn’t matter a lick that I can’t tell what’s going on half the time.  (Storytelling and clarity are not Lee’s strengths.) But he’s one of those rare comic artists who can get by with style and mood, and he displays that in spades here.  John Ney Rieber writes a competent story, with some really nice cross-IP moments.  

Scarlett and Bumblebee... Roadblock and Grimlock.

And Storm Shadow gets eaten by a shark, which is amazing on so many levels.

A shark!

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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