Saturday, April 13, 2019

World's Finest

World’s Finest 1-3
Another Superman/Batman team-up.  I remembered very little of this from the first time I read it, only that it had something to do with an orphanage.  

Turns out there isn’t much to remember.  Dave Gibbons doesn’t acquit himself well in this foray into writing.  Joker and Lex Luthor swap cities, necessitating another meeting for our heroes.  The orphanage factors into the villains’ schemes, but not in any way that really matters.  I was frankly pretty bored.

Steve Rude’s art bumps my rating up a notch, something that seems to be a pattern over the past couple of days.  There’s something very 80s about his work, reminiscent of Dave Mazzucchelli, perhaps. His pages are packed with detail, while maintaining a simplicity of style that’s very appealing.  I’m keeping these comics because of the art.

Great establishing shots showing the contrasting cities:

Look at how Rude’s Joker is always in motion.  Love it.

So much going on here, but the art’s so clean!

Nice panel composition here, across the diagonal.

Love the panel-to-panel progression, punctuated by a magnificent hero shot of Superman.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck

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