Tuesday, April 16, 2019

World's Finest, Speeding Bullets, Elseworld's Finest

World’s Finest 3, 4, 6, 7
I don’t remember buying these.  These issues come from a ten-part series that covers the ten years that Batman and Superman have ostensibly been in action.  Their relationship slowly develops from mistrust to friendship, touching on seminal moments like the death of Jason Todd. The stories by Karl Kesel are unfortunately not as interesting as the potential, and I’m cutting these with ease.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck (Cutting)

Speeding Bullets
Elseworld’s Finest
These are probably my favorite Elseworlds stories.  Speeding Bullets tells us what would have happened if the Waynes found Kal-El instead of the Kents.  (You get a Batman with Superman’s powers, and it’s awesome.) As a kid, I always thought having a cape = the ability to fly, and I never understood why Batman couldn't. This finally realized my childhood belief.

Eduardo Barreto brings such a classic Curt Swan look to his drawings, it’s perfect.  And JM DeMatteis’ story particularly nails the Bruce (Clark)/Lois romance in just a few short pages, giving the issue the soul that it needs.

I like how there's no snow effect on the background in those two panels.

In Elseworld’s Finest, writer Barbara Kesel teams up Batgirl (orphaned when Joe Chill kills the Gordons, who interrupted the Wayne mugging) with Supergirl (in a world where Kal-El died upon landing on Earth).  

Matt Haley’s the star here.  (Looks like he’s done relatively little comic book art, focusing primarily on doing comic work for Hollywood projects.)  I love the costume design on this Batgirl. (I think I’ve loved Batgirl’s costume in just about every iteration. I’m only now recognizing this bias.)     

So slick.
Haley does a nice classic costume too.

Some other Batgirls that I've liked in the past.

I’ve read these issues multiple times over the years, and I’m still enjoying them.  My thanks to all the creators involved.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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