Friday, April 12, 2019

Batman/Superman, Legends of the DC Universe

Batman/Superman 1-4
I barely remember anything about the New 52.  All I know is that there was some kind of reboot and Superman wore a t-shirt.  So in this incarnation of our World’s Finest, the New 52 duo, all young and inexperienced, meet an older version of themselves.  I don’t think they’re meant to be the original Superman and Batman that we know about (Bruce and Selina are married), but they’re certainly closer in temperament and attitude.  

Jae Lee’s art overshadows the questionable story by Greg Pak.  Something about a crystal that amplifies Kryptonite, a body-possessing demon, and Darkseid.  Wonder Woman shows up in there too.

Great opening page.  Love the framing arch.

Same with the borders here.

Cape with the t-shirt looks ridiculous.  Or is it stupendous?

Works if you're six, not if you're twenty six.

This could be a Magic card.  Great colors by June Chung.  

Serra Angel by Greg Staples

A random interlude, but I like setting them up as childhood friends.

Apparently this went on for another 28 issues, but Jae Lee’s departure meant mine as well.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine

Legends of the DC Universe 6
A random issue where Robin teams up with Superman because Batman’s out of town.  It’s a nice little story, but as Superman says, he’s only teaming up with Robin out of hometown professional courtesy.  He totally could have handled the situation on his own.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine

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