Sunday, April 7, 2019

Superman/Batman, Mera Tidebreaker

Mera: Tidebreaker
The launch title for DC Ink, their new YA imprint.  I don’t get the concept of YA titles. As a teen, I read “adult” books.  As an adult, I read “YA” books just as readily. A well written story is a well written story.  By the time you hit middle or high school, a distinction shouldn’t have to be made based on the age of the reader.

That my way of saying that Mera’s a wonderful comic by Danielle Paige.  Sure, Mera’s a teenager starting to discover her identity as she comes of age, but there’s nothing here that would be out of place in ‘regular mainstream’ comics.  It’s not the most original of plots, but the execution and art by Stephen Byrne makes it worth the read.

I like how her red hair is the only contrast to the otherwise blue/green palette.

Superman/Batman 7-13
After a one issue story drawn by Pat Lee that isn’t worth discussing, Jeph Loeb jumps into the next six-parter with the reintroduction of Supergirl.  The main conflict comes from Superman and Batman’s reception of Kara Zor-El - Clark naturally embraces her as family, and Bruce automatically questions the purity of her motives.  Batman basically views Supergirl the same way Lex Luthor sees Superman, as an unknown threat of unlimited power. It would make sense if it was an unknown hero, but because it’s Supergirl, the happy ending is a given, and Batman’s suspicions come across as paranoid.  Still, it’s a lot of fun. Here are the highlights:

Loeb writes such good banter between Bruce and Clark.

This is such a Joe Madureira face...

...The mouth shape, the jutting jaws.

I like Michael Turner's long, lithe Batman.  Very Sandman-esque.

By Marc Hempel.

This amuses me.

A callback to Loeb's For All Seasons.

Heh.  At a gathering of superheroes, Plastic Man is the designated survivor.  Clever.

I wonder how much of this next speech is directed towards Sam, Loeb's son who would die of cancer at seventeen just a year after this was written.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes (No for issue 7)
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good (Fine for issue 7)

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