Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Pulse

The Pulse 1-6
As far as I can tell, The Pulse was Bendis’ way of continuing to write Jessica Jones after the final issue of Alias.  The move from Marvel Max meant he had to ramp down the mature content, but that didn’t result in a reduction of story quality.  I don’t know why I stopped buying it, I’ve already ordered the trade for the remaining issues.

The first arc has all the hallmarks of a quality Bendis story.  Let’s list them!

Excellent dialogue.  Jessica Jones with Luke Cage is such an amazing pairing.  Two flawed, good people who’ve found the person that makes them stronger.  Their fights are realistic with understandable points on both sides. And they talk all the time with each other.  It’s not an easy thing, but for the most part, these two are always communicating. They share their feelings and thoughts, and that’s the thing I like most about them.  It may not be the most realistic thing, but when written by Bendis, I believe it and aspire to have that in my relationship with my partner.

That rooftop conversation between Ben Urich and Spider-Man is phenomenal.  A bunch of things are revealed here that I didn’t know hadn’t already happened.  Peter Parker discovers that Ben knows his secret identity. Peter confirms Ben’s suspicions that Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin.  They commiserate about how Osborn’s ruined their lives, then resolve to take him down. It is such good dialogue.  The rhythm, the content, the ebb and flow of the emotional intensity.  Bendis at his best.

I like how Bendis structured the tragedy of Terri Kidder, Daily Bugle reporter (Heh.  Lois Lane homages), using the second issue to flashback to the beginning of the first.  I don’t even have the defense of a month’s break between issues to excuse my inability to recognize what what going to happen to her until over halfway through the issue.  I’m just dense. In any case, I enjoyed the storytelling technique.

Teri Hatcher

Margot Kidder.  Lois Lanes all over the place!

It’s disturbing that Jessica has to worry about the safety of her unborn baby two times in as many issues.  

More on The Pulse after the trade comes in!

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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