Thursday, April 5, 2018

Fraction/Aja Hawkeye

I’ve renamed the “Everything I Love About Comics” rating to “Pure Joy.”  Because someday I’m going to get to Sandman or Swamp Thing, which is going to be Best Comics Ever, which is  technically also everything I love about comics, but in a different way from these Hawkeye comics. These are so fun I could burst, and I don’t think Morpheus would approve of being characterized as joyful.  

Issue 9 forced me to reconsider my rating convention, because it also radiates Pure Joy.  Two times in as many days. As Aaron Sorkin would say, “In some cultures, we’d be married.

Going back to yesterday, and the things that made issue 3 so wonderful:

Lucky, the Pizza Dog.  Aja draws him perfectly, so his presence immediately bumps things up a notch.  

Good boy.
The inventory of Hawkeye’s arrows, and Kate’s mockery of their gimmickry.

The Bro mafia.  I never would have thought that the excessive use of “bro” could do so much to perfectly define a group of characters.

Fraction jumps around chonologically more than Tarantino.  He does it well here (and over the course of his entire run.)


Kate snark:

Hawkeye’s joy:

How the cars lean forward in the first panel as they’re speeding along.  With this issue, Aja draws one of the best car chases ever.

How Fraction gets around swearing and foreign languages:

Perfect use of Chekov’s gun:
Green Arrow does something similar with the boxing glove arrow in JLA 9.

And of course he gets the girl at the end.  In typical Clint fashion, it’s going to come back to bite him in the ass (boomerang!).  But he deserves the win today.

It all fits together into an absolutely perfect blend of art, humor, action, and storytelling.  It makes me so happy.

I’ll do issue 9 tomorrow.  

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