Sunday, April 22, 2018

Runaways, Moon Girl

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 19-24
My first time reading this title.  This is the only volume the library had, but it doesn’t take long to catch up.  Lunella LaFayette is the smartest person on earth. She’s nine years old. She’s partners with Devil Dinosaur.  Done.

The tone of the writing doesn’t do it for me.  It feels a lot like Squirrel Girl, with a level of self-aware silliness that rubs me the wrong way.  It’s too proud if its sense of humor, and rubs its cuteness in your face.

But credit to Brandon Montclare’s depiction of the Doombot head Moon Girl keeps in her lab.  He somehow jumps around from object to object, continually proclaiming his genius and putting down Lunella’s.  It’s wonderful, for such is Doom.

The Lunella bots are also glorious.

Runaways 13-24
The rest of Brian K Vaughan and Adrian Alphona’s run.  It never wavered in its quality.

Issue 13 is phenomenal.  Molly embarks on her own solo adventure and handles it with flying colors, which maintaining her Mollyness the whole time.  

Still can’t believe they just killed off Gert in issue 18.  At least she gets brought back in the current run.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good (Really good for issue 13)

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