Sunday, September 17, 2023

New comics

New comics!

Penguin 1

Tom King brings back Agent Espinoza (and presumably The Help, if the solicited covers are accurate) from Batman: Killing Time.  But the star, of course, is the Penguin, playing the retired/reformed mob boss that we’ve seen so many times with Marvel’s Kingpin.  We’ll see what twist King brings to the proceedings, I have faith in him.

Barnstormers 3

A completely predictable ending, but Tula Lotay’s art makes it all worth it.

Fantastic Four 11

An excellent Thing solo issue.  Ryan North reminds everyone that as a former test pilot, Ben Grimm would have had to have an excellent grasp of science/engineering, something that I’d completely overlooked in the entire time that I’ve read FF stories.  

Dark Knights of Steel 12

Not one of Tom Taylor’s strongest works, this is closer to Dark Ages than DCeased.  Maybe it’ll read better in one go.

Birds of Prey 1

Kelly Thompson moves over to DC with another girl group, something I strongly endorse.  Things are off to a promising start, even if it’s not the lineup I would have gone with.  (Harley is completely overused and Zealot has no personality (which leaves a lot of room for Thompson to work, I suppose).)  It needs more brains, but we’ll find out why Barbara isn’t on the team soon enough.

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