Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Some things that I’ve seen

Extraction 2

More of the same.  This time, the faux-oner lasts 20+ minutes.  Certainly some well executed action scenes, but nothing I’ll ever watch again.  This movie also has one of the stupidest, most annoying kids I’ve ever seen.  I wished they would have let him die.  

Regret watching? No

Would watch again? Yes

Would buy on DVD? No

Rating: Nice


I finally watched this after 30 years.  It’s got one of the most stacked casts I’ve ever seen, with some of the most beautiful people in the world.  And while Robin Givens flipping the tables on the womanizing Eddie Murphy (very slick and suave here) is amusing, he doesn’t do enough to make himself a sympathetic character.  I don’t get why Halle Berry would fall for him, I don’t buy for a second that he’s actually in love with her, and he does absolutely nothing to deserve the happy ending.  

On the plus side of the balance sheet, Grace Jones, Eartha Kitt, and Geoffery Holder absolutely destroy in their performances.  Major laugh out loud stuff.  Robin Givens is spectacular in her take-no-shit-from-anyone boss role.  And of course, Halle Berry.  

Regret watching? No

Would watch again? Yes

Would buy on DVD? No

Rating: Fine

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