Sunday, March 7, 2021

Walking Dead, Movies


Caught this show on Netflix.  The rotoscoping effect was used to cut down on production costs, and I really like the atmosphere that it creates for the series.  It’s a nice parallel piece to Band of Brothers, very much in the same vein.  It could stand to be just as long - four episodes isn’t nearly enough to capture everything that Felix Sparks did in his over 500 days of combat.  

The scene that stood out the most to me is the one with George Patton.  Peter Woodward gives a spectacular performance, absolutely stealing both the scene and the entire show for me.  (I’ve gone back to watch it multiple times.)  The way he snaps and bites off words is riveting.  

Regret watching: No

Would watch again: Yes

Would buy on DVD: Yes

Rating: Good

Walking Dead 37-96

I’ve been making a list of the truly shocking moments in the series as I come across them.  I’m noticing that they’re all the things that I still remember from my first time through - Rick getting his hand cut off, Carl losing his eye.  And of course, Lori and the baby getting shot.

I remembered the moment, but I’d forgotten how horrible it truly is.  It left me emotionally gutted.  It’s made worse by Rick’s beautiful scene with Judith from the previous night, which speaks to me on a totally different level now that I’m a dad.  

After that, the series has basically lost some of its emotional force.  I don’t care as much about what happens to these people anymore.  It’s probably what a lot of these characters feel, but I don’t have to die to make it stop…

Also, Negan is coming up, and I’m kind of dreading it, to be honest.  Talk about brutal, memorable moments. 

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good (Really good for issue 48)

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