Monday, March 22, 2021

Grendel, New comics, New movies

New comic!

Nightwing 78

I’ll buy anything new by Tom Taylor at this point.  This is a wonderful, heartwarming first issue for him and Bruno Redondo.  Some beautiful moments for Dick with Barbara Gordon, Alfred, and a puppy.  Can’t wait for more.

Lovely.  Great colors by Adriano Lucas.

New movie!


A movie about the South African rugby team winning the World Cup at the very beginning of Nelson Mandela’s presidency.  It’s not a good sign when what’s ostensibly a sports movie is more interesting during the political bits.  I’d actually watch a full movie of Morgan Freeman as Mandela running South Africa.  

Director Clint Eastwood fails to engender any interest in the players.  I had zero investment in their success, and would have been just as happy if they’d lost.  Even worse, the rugby side fails because the action is horribly filmed.  The final match feels interminable. There’s no tension, and because Eastwood does nothing to explain the rules of the game, it’s hard to tell what’s going on.  It’s a complete fail all around.  Watch Miracle to see how to pull off an excellent sports final.

Regret watching: No

Would watch again: No

Would buy on DVD: No

Rating: Fine  

Grendel 24-33

The Eppy Thatcher Grendel.  There’s more Orion Assante and less Eppy than I remember, which is a good thing; Matt Wagner is much better writing political scheming than batshit crazy internal monologues (Also the weak points of all the previous issues).  Another weak point is the prominent positioning of all the vampire stuff.  None of that is interesting to me.  Still, it’s fun to read the set up for Orion’s march to power in the next arc.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Didn’t suck

Grendel 34-40

Matt Wagner is so skilled at these narrated histories; This and Devil by the Deed are among his strongest works ever.  (His other strength is the illustrated screenplay, with Grendel 16-17 and Batman/Grendel.)  This is a gripping political thriller, as Orion Assante navigates his way through the minefields of international intrigue.  Tim Sale isn’t TIM SALE yet (that comes with Long Halloween), but his work is well suited for the story.  Super well done.  

The vampires in Vegas backups are completely forgettable.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Grendel: War Child 1-10

Very Lone Wolf and Cub as Grendel Prime keeps Jupiter Assante safe until he comes of age.  On the other side of things, Laurel Assante slowly goes crazy in a number of humorous ways.  A nice continuation of the original series.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Grendel: Devil Quest

A collection of backup stories where a number of interested parties hunt Grendel Prime.  None of it matters, since he teleports off to Batman/Grendel II.  Kind of a waste of time, but Wagner’s art is pretty good.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Grendel: Devil in our Midst 1-5

Whiteout, but with Grendel.  It’s unremarkable, but not bad.  I’m on the fence about keeping it, which means it stays.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

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