Sunday, September 13, 2020

Pearl, Power Girl, Red Hood and the Outlaws

Pearl 1-12

This is Brian Michael Bendis at his most meandering.  None of his characters feel like distinct people - everyone talks with the patented Bendis patter without any real difference in personalities.  Which isn’t to say that it’s bad, just that it doesn’t really stand out as an IP that I need to revisit if there’s ever a second volume.  (The art by Michael Gaydos is super sweet, btw.)

Regret Buying: No

Would Buy Again: No

Would Read Again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Power Girl 1-6

Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Amanda Conner are a wonderful team.  Power Girl is just a ton of fun, even when the plot is entirely inconsequential.  

It got a cheap laugh out of me.

Connor is a master.  Amazing cat work.

Regret Buying: No

Would Buy Again: No

Would Read Again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Red Hood and the Outlaws 0-13

Well, I guess New 52 and Scott Lobdell ruined Starfire.  This mindless sexbot is not the person Dick Grayson fell in love with, and I’m not a fan.  Also, I still have no idea why this three-person team exists after reading fourteen issues of their adventures.  They have zero chemistry with each other, I don’t care if Kori’s slept with both Jason and Roy. Also again, I don’t remember Lobdell being this wordy or boring.  If this is what I have to look forward to when I go through his X-Men run, I’m in for a long slog.

The only thing going for this comic is the Kenneth Rocafort art, of which I’m a huge fan.  It’s why I’m not summarily dumping this whole run from my collection.  

Another Batgirl post for me.

Regret Buying: No

Would Buy Again: No

Would Read Again: No

Rating: Didn’t suck

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