Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Outsiders 34-43

Judd Winick’s One Year Later take on Outsiders sucks.  Indigo’s dead, Shift committed suicide, Captain Boomerang is randomly on the team, the fun’s been sucked out of the team, and both the Mali and Mallah and the Brain arcs plod along at a glacial pace.  I’d cut these in a heartbeat if it didn’t break up the run.  But these are ten issues I hope I never read again.

Regret Buying: No

Would Buy Again: No

Would Read Again: No

Rating: Stupid

Outsiders 44-49

Outsiders Annual 1

Checkmate 13-15

Things get a little better when Winick fills in the missing year.  The character bits still aren’t as fun as the first 25 issues of the series, but at least the plots are better than the One Year Later stuff - Grace and Anissa start their relationship, the Black Lightning prison break is pretty fun, and the Checkmate crossover is interesting enough.  I wouldn’t buy it again, but at least I’d reread it.

Regret Buying: No

Would Buy Again: No

Would Read Again: Yes

Rating: Fine

Batman and the Outsiders 1

Chuck Dixon reboots the title with Batman taking over from Nightwing.  With Winick gone, I had no reason to keep buying this.

Regret Buying: Yes

Would Buy Again: No

Would Read Again: No

Rating: Fine

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