Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Outsiders 5-33

Teen Titans 24-25

With this run, writer Judd Winick masters the key to a successful TV procedural: Excellent characterization and interactions between the ensemble cast.  As long as you nail that, the quality of the plot itself is almost inconsequential to the enjoyment that the product.  I just love spending time with this not-a-family team.  Things that stood out this time around:

The quality plummets dramatically when Winick makes room for a guest writer.  Peter Tomasi (so stellar on Green Lantern Corps) has a boring two-parter starring the original cast of the Outsiders, and Jen Van Meter is equally stultifying with his Infinite Crisis tie-in.

Winick collaborates with a number of pencillers, but unlike his run on Green Arrow, they’re all above average - Tom Raney, Carlos D’Anda, and Matthew Clark all do a great job.  The colors by Gina Going are also worthy of note.

Raney's anatomy and faces are always contorted, but they totally work.

Love the composition of the last panel by D'Anda

Excellent work by both D'Anda and Guy Major.

That face in the final panel is perfectly hilarious.  Great work by ChrisCross:

I love the relationship between Shift and Indigo.  They are perfect for each other, so cute, and awesome as individuals.  It makes Indigo’s turn and death actually tragic, something that doesn’t happen often in comics anymore.  

They're just so cute!

This totally reminded me of...


I found Sivana's plot utterly charming.  For once, we see where the money for an tropical island base comes from:

Regret Buying: No

Would Buy Again: Yes (No for the guest written issues: 26, 27, 32, 33)

Would Read Again: Yes (No for 26, 27)

Rating: Good  (Nice for Teen Titans, Boring for the guest written ones.)

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