Tuesday, May 5, 2020

New Comics, Green Arrow

New comics!
Die 6-10
Continues to be amazingly good.  When it starts back up, I’m not sure if I’m going to get the issues or wait for the next trade.  I think it’ll read better in that format, but I want to support the comic.  

DCeased: Unkillables 2
Karl Mostert channels the best of Frank Quietly, and Tom Taylor keeps on mixing nice character moments with a kickass story.  More, please.

Green Arrow 39-80
The rest of the Mike Grell run.  To be fair, I got up to around issue 50 before I started losing interest, which is way further than I expected.  To be honest, if I hadn’t spent so long collecting the whole run, I would probably cut everything after around issue 24, except for the Shado stories.  

Grell gets way too enamoured with convoluted CIA/NSA/government shenanigans that I completely glossed over, and the art towards the end is truly unforgivable.

Not this, this cover by Grell is splendid.

Also, Marianne sucks.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine, devolving to Didn’t suck by the end.

Green Arrow 81-88
The Crossroads storyline that follows Grell’s departure is utter trash.  I’m not sure if I’m cutting it for completionist sake, but it’s really wretched.  (The Zero Hour issue (90) is worth keeping, though.  A nice silent bit that has nothing to do with the arc.)  [Update: I’m cutting them.  They’re so bad.]

Regret buying: Yes
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Disliked (Cutting)

Green Arrow 90-100, 0
Connor Hawke makes his debut, woots!  His naive, fish-out-of-water beginnings work when combined with his pure character and amazing martial skills.  Love him.  

(The Where Angels Fear to Tread arc is pretty poor, though.  Thankfully, Chuck Dixon does a much better job once he gets Ollie Queen out of the picture.  At least, that’s how I remember it.)

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine for 0, 90-93, Boring for 94-100

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