Sunday, May 17, 2020

Green Arrow

DC Box 3 is done!  So much Green Arrow, with plenty left to go.
Box Summary:
Time spent reading: 14 hours, 33 minutes
Issues read: 177
Issues cut: 9 
Highlights (Good or better): Green Arrow 16-21 (Archer’s Quest by Brad Meltzer)

Project Summary:
Time spent reading: 26 days, 7 hours, 23 minutes
Issues read: 5304
Issues cut: 710

Green Arrow 34-45
The last of the Phil Hester issues.  While he’s not in my personal top tier of artists, I’m always happy to see his work.  There’s a ‘grim and gritty cartoon’ quality that’s singular to his work.  With him on the interior and Marcos Martin on the covers, the art side is in wonderful hands.  

Slick pose.


I usually hate characters who behave like Ollie.  He cheats on Dinah, feels guilty about it, shuts her out as a defense mechanism, then waits for her to break up with him.  It’s the worst kind of behavior, completely reprehensible.  But it’s so ingrained in Ollie’s character, part of who he is, that I feel intense sorrow for him and Dinah, instead of my usual disdain and anger.  It’s a sign of how invested I am with him and the story Winick and those before him have been telling.  

Mia Dearden is a spectacular character.  Kudos to Kevin Smith and Hester for creating her and Winick for building so much upon that foundation.  She’s strong, witty, capable, and takes responsibility for her actions.  She has a self-awareness that’s refreshing.  She’s not afraid to be vulnerable, but is never weak.  I’d read a series starring her.  Get on it, Judd!

I also love that this is the first time Connor chooses to display any kind of physical affection, as a sweet sign of love, affection, and support.  That’s so Connor.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

Green Arrow 46-50
Tom Fowler takes over as penciller, and it’s such a huge downgrade.  I hope he doesn’t stick around.

The Duke of Oil (wince).  A lame-ass version of Cameron Hodge...

...who's utterly terrifying over in the Marvel Universe.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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