Sunday, May 24, 2020

Green Arrow, Black Canary

Green Arrow 51-59
A horrible stretch continues, with fill-in issues, replacement-to-substandard art, and an uninspired take on Born Again.  I’ve spent the last week debating whether I should cut issues 46-59.  They’re really not entertaining, and I can’t imagine reading them again.  But at the end of the day, excising the middle of Judd Winick’s run because the art sucks wasn’t quite good enough of a reason for me.  The margin was razor thin, though.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Stupid

Green Arrow 60-75
Is Winick’s Green Arrow run really that dependent on the art?  Scott McDaniel joins the team, and it’s a welcome dose of skill and energy.  I’ve been a fan of his since the Fall from Grace storyline in Daredevil, and he’s a great partner to this fun storyline about Ollie’s stint as mayor of Star City.  The flashback to his training is super sweet, Batman’s arc is super fun, and the twist revealing his replacement is super clever.

McDaniel is totally channelling Frank Miller with that face.

(Example.  It's the lips, I think.)

I like the posing and angle of the shot.

Same here.

This third volume of Arrow ends with Ollie proposing to Dinah.  I knew this was coming, but didn’t think I would buy it - Their breakup didn’t leave much room for reconciliation, and I couldn’t see a plausible way for them to get back together.  But Winick shows a solid understanding of what makes both of them tick, and Dinah’s explanation for their reunion has me rooting for them as a couple again.  Even if Ollie’s a cad.

It's a little hackneyed, but Winick pulls it off.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice to Pretty good by the end

Saw this in a house ad and love the art.  By Mario Alberti.

Birds of Prey 109
Black Canary 1-4
Black Canary Wedding Planner 1
A fun little adventure, a nice interlude between the main titles.  I don’t know anything about Sin, but I like her and the relationship she has with Dinah.  

At this point in the reread, I remember that the wedding happens, but for some reason, Dinah and Ollie don’t end up married.  Which really annoys me, since I like them together and for DC to have so much wedding buildup only to back out at the last minute is cruelly exploitive.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Black Canary/Green Arrow Wedding Special 1
Why does DC always get Amanda Connor to do the bachelorette issues?  I’m not complaining, she’s spectacular.  But why pigeonhole her?

From when we thought Batman would marry Catwoman.  Another time where DC got cold feet.

A delightful reaction page.

I’d forgotten the twist ending, but after re-reading it, I’m as ticked off as I was the first time.  Stupid cop out.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

Green Arrow and Black Canary 1-6
Cliff Chiang.  Oh my god.  I love him so much.  His art is so clean and crisp and gorgeous, I could look at it all day.  The thick, black outlines around his characters, set against the backgrounds, remind me of the Colorforms I played with as a kid, in the best way.

I'm sold on Chiang from the opening pages.

Hahaha, Batman in an apron.


Perfect posing and facial expression.

Hilarious body language.  Perfection.

Hate the story decision, love the execution of the page.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Good

Green Arrow and Black Canary 7-14
Aaaand we fall back to earth with Mike Norton on art.  And right on schedule, Winick’s story becomes a lot less engaging.  (It doesn’t help that he ruined Connor.  Don’t mess with Connor.)  He’s a good writer, but at least on Arrow, he needs a good artist to shine.  Luckily, he had one for most of his run with Ollie and company.  Overall, I’d say I liked his stuff the most out of the 230+ issues of Green Arrow I just read.  (Chuck Dixon comes in second.)

Oh! And much to my pleasant surprise, Ollie and Dinah get married for reals. Love that DC let them go through with it. Don't know when they rolled it back, but at least it wasn't here.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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