Sunday, April 26, 2020

New comics, Grell Green Arrow

New comics!
Batman: Curse of the White Knight 8
Sean Murphy’s art.  His action scenes.  They make me so happy.  This’ll be a fun re-read.

Green Arrow 1-38
Everything’s as I remember so far - Decent stories by Mike Grell, not-bad art by a number of artists (primarily Dan Jurgens and Ed Hannigan (whom I just discovered did this classic Marvel poster:

)) (Yes, I’m finishing the parentheticals from above.  I’m a stickler.), and the occasional stand out moment.

This final page has stuck with me for 20 years.

Grell reserves his best stories for his yearly Shado four-parters.  The tension between Shado, Oliver, and Dinah is a fascinating one, and not the usual love triangle.   

(The rest of the year is devoted to two-issue arcs.)  The one from the third year is the weakest, involving too little Shado, too much Eddie Fyers and government conspiracies, and the introduction of Marianne, who is plain horrible.  Still, it’s got a summation of the aforementioned triangle that explains everything quite nicely.  (Too long to include here.)

Some other things of note:
Horrible hand discontinuity in the lower left by Rick Hoberg.

Hilarious visual gag by Trevor von Eeden and JJ Birch

Regret buying: No 
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Oscillates between Nice and Fine

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