Friday, December 14, 2018

Superman, Mage, Skyward, Magic Order, Unstoppable Wasp, Spider-Man

New comics for the week!
Mage 14
Inertia kept this on my buy pile.  Only one issue to go. In for a penny, in for a pound.  Nothing memorable about this issue (or the series as a whole, I’m afraid), but nothing offensive, either.  

Miles Morales: Spider-Man 1
With the surprising awesomeness of the post-Bendis Jessica Jones and Ironheart, I decided to give this a shot.  As an added bonus, Saladin Ahmed wrote this. I’d heard good things about his run on Black Bolt, so this seemed like a good opportunity to give him a try.  

Meh.  Very paint by numbers.  It all approximates the Miles Morales that I love, but it’s missing the je ne sais quoi that makes him shine.  Javier Garron’s art is similarly fine but unremarkable.

Superman 6
Ivan Reis’ art would be spectacular if it weren’t illustrating a story that I find utterly pointless.  With post-Bendis Spider-Man as lackluster as I expected and actual-Bendis Superman continuing its absence of emotional resonance, does good-Bendis exist anywhere anymore?  

Love the fat O's in the lettering by Josh Reed.

I don't care!

Hopefully the return of Jon will lead to some of the interpersonal magic that Bendis can weave so well.  Because if it doesn’t, I’m feeling pretty good about cutting this from my pull list.

So three duds, which are thankfully balanced out by three excellent issues:
Skyward 9
Once again Joe Henderson takes the story in an unexpected direction - Instead of siding with the oppressed freedom fighters, Willa recognizes the ethical issues with their position, and set out in a direction of her own devising.  It means siding with her mortal enemy, but it seems like she’s got a plan.

Less a fan of Edison’s jealousy, but if it leads to a brisk resolution one way or another (Willa isn’t so occupied with more important matters that she doesn’t notice his petulance), I’ll let it slide.  

Magic Order 5
I’m usually okay with the finite nature of Mark Millar’s creations, but this is one of the titles of his that I’d love to see as an ongoing series.  This world of magicians is dark, fantastic, and brutal, and it’s just different enough from the standard formula of his usual fare that I want more.  Oh wait, he’s writing volume two next year.  Sweetness!

And dude, I can’t believe they got away with that cover.

He’s blowing his brains out with a wand!  This would never pass muster if it was a gun, how is this any better?  A haunting, striking cover.

Unstoppable Wasp 3
Fun action, squee character development with Lashayla and Ying, and art that perfectly suits this title.  I’m one satisfied reader. Next issue, please.

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