Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Red Wing, Reload

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
I saw the first trailer for this, saw some headlines saying this was an awesome movie, and managed to stay away from any other information about this.  (Well, I knew about the other Spider-Beings that were going to show up.) I wanted to everything to be fresh.

This was so so fun.  This is one of those pure joy movies.  All of the Spider-People are pitch perfect, from their looks to their movement to their voices.  The animators did a phenomenal job here. The action is breathtaking. I literally touched my chest after a chase scene to feel how fast it was pounding.  

You can’t do this with a live action movie.  It’s works of art like this that make me so very thankful for the existence of Creativity and Imagination in this world.

I love her.  Give me a Spider-Gwen movie.
Perfect, perfect casting.
Great promo poster by Bill Sienkiewicz.  Also love that they used his Kingpin design.
Regret Watching: No
Would buy on DVD: Yes
Would watch again: Yes
Rating: Pure Joy

Red Wing 1-4
I don’t know how many more times I have to say the same thing about another Jonathan Hickman-penned comic book.  The hook: Top Gun, but the planes travel through time as well as space. It reads like a twelve-issue series that got cancelled four issues in.  The ending is abrupt and makes no sense. I’m so tired of his half-baked stories. He more of an ideas man, he should find someone who can take them and whip up something that actually tastes good.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

Reload 1-3
This feels like something that Warren Ellis whipped up in an afternoon.  Secret government assassin kills everyone in the White House because it’s been completely infiltrated by the mob.  It’s one long action scene with conspiracies in between each set piece. No substance whatsoever, Ellis-lite. Keeping it because it doesn’t suck, but it’s telling that I read this and Red Wing in 30 minutes.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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