Sunday, December 2, 2018

Strangers in Paradise, Action Comics, Ironheart, Heroes in Crisis

New comics!
Action Comics 1005
I need to go back and look at Sook’s art from last month, because it feels like a major regression this week....Yep, it’s way off this time around.  I think it’s the thicker inks, heavier blacks. It’s a lot grittier, and doesn’t work nearly as well on this title.

Action Comics isn’t all that interesting when Lois, Melody, or Batman aren’t interacting with Clark.  Those are the moments that I love, but as this issue shows, they aren’t enough to sustain a story arc.  Watching gangsters try to run an empire while avoiding Superman’s super senses? Meh. Red Cloud? Generic villain.  Revealed to be one of the new annoying reporters? Not a shock.

After complaining about Superman’s last issue, I’m starting to feel the same about Action as well.  Things aren’t looking good in the world of Bendis’ Superman.

Heroes in Crisis 3
Tom King reveals a little bit more about how Sanctuary works.  Basically, people go into a holodeck, call up whatever they’re thinking about, and use that receive their therapy.  We see the last moments of Lagoon Boy, Wally West, and Booster Gold before the massacre. And we learn that Harley Quinn did indeed beat the brains out of Wally.  With a giant hammer. Okayyyyy.

This doesn’t feel like it belongs in the miniseries.  It reads more like one of Bendis’ crossover issues in the middle of his Avengers-run for Dark Reign or Siege or Civil War or House of M - a supplementary issue that reveals some background, but is ultimately unnecessary to enjoy the main storyline.  

Lee Weeks pencils the majority of this issue, and his Kubert School-training really shines through.  (Not a bad thing.)

Strangers in Paradise XXV 8
I have not yet read any of Terry Moore’s other titles.  Echo, Rachel Rising, and Motor Girl just haven’t made their way on to my read list (though I picked up the Echo omnibus for 10 bucks a couple of weeks ago, so that’ll be happening at some point).  

So I’m sure I’m missing a lot here, as Moore adds characters from all three titles to SiP.  Even without an understanding of the history, this feels as big as a major Marvel crossover.  It’s pretty neat, and it’ll resonate more after I introduce myself to the rest of Moore’s universe.

Ironheart 1
As with Jessica Jones, I wasn’t planning to read a Riri comic without Brian Michael Bendis at the helm.  But the reviews I read were overwhelmingly positive, so why not give it try?

I’m really glad I did.  Eve L. Ewing nails Riri’s character and voice, and gets her run off to a top-notch start.  And the reveal of what looks to be her AI’s personification is brilliant in its obviousness.  Can’t wait to read the next issue! With this and Jessica Jones off to surprisingly solid starts, all I need now is an awesome Miles Morales.  (I can not wait for the upcoming Spider-Man movie.)

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