Saturday, October 6, 2018

Cyblade/Shi, Walk Through Hell, Magic Order, West Coast Avengers

Some new comics.  I’m out of town right now for my cousin’s wedding, so I’m doing this from memory.  Don’t have the issues in front of me.

Walk Through Hell 5
Garth Ennis builds out his supporting cast, spending a little more time with one of the other detectives on the force.  This man has a phobia of literal monsters. One would think that shouldn’t be so bad, seeing as how, well, they don’t actually exist.  But this guy never got over the idea of creatures under the bed or in the closet, imagining what it would feel like to have them touching or crawling all over him.  

It’s just too bad this he finds himself trapped in a place where these things are actually real.  I never thought that this warehouse is actually Hell, but one of the leads posits that theory, and I’m starting to believe her.

Ennis’ final lines describing Detective Goss’ predicament gives me chills every time I read them: “And later, with more of them in him than he would have though was possible -- all fingers and thumbs, all clutching, fisting, twisting -- Goss realized that his whole life he’d been right.”

So creepy.

Magic Order 4
Mostly setup this issue.  The good guys make a peace overture, and the bad guys soundly reject them.  The reluctant sibling find himself dragged back into the family business after a disruption to his peacetime life.  Still fun, still beautiful art by Olivier Coipel.

West Coast Avengers 2
So BRODOK is MODOK?  Everyone on the team seems to think so.  The visual of a hot guy with a slightly-too-big head cracks me up every time I see it.  The rest of the issue is fine, though I’m starting to feel like Eleanor Shellstrop from this week’s episode of The Good Place.  Things felt better before there were so many people in mix.  I like Kate Bishop’s adventures with Clint Barton best, without this massive cast of characters along for the ride.  

Cyblade/Shi 1
I had completely forgotten about the existence of Shi until I read this issue again.  The William Tucci creation was an independent comic sensation (because she was a hot ninja drawn by a decent artist) in the nineties, but fell off the radar relatively quickly.  I really remember nothing about her story at all. I’m sure it had something to do with her father and revenge.

She crosses over w/ Cyblade from Cyberforce for no apparent reason here, aside from the fact that they’re both attractive women with a talent for martial arts and turning heads on the street.  (That literally happens in this issue.) Then Witchblade shows up, promoting her new series. There’s a fight or two in there, and that’s about it. I didn’t get the followup issue, but if memory serves, that’s where things get really insane, with independent darlings from all over the industry making appearances, like Cerebus and Bone.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

Inspired by Joe Posnanski’s podcast with Mike Schur, my wife and I have started doing drafts of random things.  It’s a great way to pass the time, and I love the insight it provides into my wife’s thinking. Yesterday, we drafted fruits.  I had first pick.


She quit after the last round, unable to believe that she’d left watermelon on the draft board for so long.  She’d completely forgotten about it. A blown pick like that really throws you off your game. (Don’t get me started about the composers draft.)  I’m quite pleased with my team, and it always feels good to get a steal in the last round.

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