Friday, August 17, 2018

Skyward, Pearl, Magic Order, Mage

New comics!
Mage: The Hero Denied 11
Things have slowed down to a crawl.  Magda and Hugo spend a lot of pages going up a red tube.  Kevin and his daughter drive from point A to point B. The big bad kills one of her daughters to sustain her own life force.  It’s reached the point where even Matt Wagner’s art isn’t enough to keep me interested, but with only 4 issues to go, I feel like I’m pot committed at this point.  On the other hand, would future me, having read up to this point, really want to know how this thing ends? I’m not sure if he’d really care. Something to think about when the next issue comes out.  

Skyward 5
Five issues in, and I’m still having fun with both the world-building and the story.  I’m surprised Joe Henderson killed the dad off so soon, but it was done well enough. The covers continue to stun.  Small characters against expansive backgrounds really do it for me, I suppose.

Pearl 1
I will give anything by Bendis a shot, so here I go with Pearl, his latest from the Jinxworld line.  He throws the reader into the action and expects them to figure it out as the action goes along. Surprisingly enough, it’s the Michael Gaydos art that stumbles here.  The storytelling for the drive by shooting wasn’t the clearest, and muddles up what appears to be the inciting event of the entire series.

Still, I’m intrigued enough to stick around for at least a couple more issues.

Magic Order 3
I’m really enjoying this series, but I’m not sure why this Mark Millar offering is so much stronger than his last few.  Certainly the Olivier Coipel art is a plus. Is it the extended sequences? There are four scenes in this issue, and Millar doesn’t cut between them.  Each is given his undivided attention, allowing them time to develop and breathe without interruption. And all the scenes hit home, from the innocence of a child playing with a dangerous weapon to the horrific damage that a trained wizard can do with such an instrument.  Very well done.

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