Thursday, August 2, 2018


Lucifer 5-20
Lucifer’s machinations begin in earnest.  He travels to the house of Izanami, mother of Susano-O-No-Mikoto, looking to take back possession of his wings.  The members of the household are opposed to this aim, and the ensuing battle of wits is a joy to watch. Lucifer parries each thrust of court intrigue with a deft touch, leaving with his wings and a trail of bodies behind him.  He also gains a valuable ally in the form of the demon Musubi. (Though unbeknownst to him, Izanami has infected his wings with bile that’s sure to cause problems in the future.)

While her boss is off on this quest, Mazikeen guards the open rift against two Jin En Mok (ancient Shapeless gods, whatever that mean).  She’s destroyed in the battle, and the Jin En Mok are only defeated through the intervention of Jill Presto and Basanos. (Though I’m not sure why she’s helping.)  Jill heals Mazikeen, but makes the well-intended mistake of “fixing” the mutilated side of her face. Makizeen is not pleased by this.

Mike Carey takes what seems like a tangent to tell us the story of a Chaldaean who’s been cursed to relive the same miscarriage every day for the last four thousand years.  Like Musabi, she also longs for death. Lucifer grants it to her in exchange for the miscarried baby, who has evolved over the centuries into something...else.

Elaine Belloc discovers her true parentage - Her father is the Archangel Michael, who’s been trapped by Sandalphon, another fallen angel.  Sandalphon wants to use Elaine to breed a new generation of archangels. Lucifer’s next quest rescues both Elaine and Michael.

With Mazikeen off trying to restore her face to its former look, Lucifer has left Musubi to defend the gate, this time from Amenadiel and his army of angels.  As with her predecessor, Musubi falls. But Lucifer’s backup plan picks up the slack when the angels enter the portal with assured victory on their minds.

Angel-eating Demon Baby.  Love it

Lucifer kills Michael (also wishing for death. Lots of deathwishes here.) in the void on the other side of the gate.  The ensuing explosion acts as a new Big Bang, giving Lucifer the means to create his own universe, apart from the jurisdiction of God, free from a world where the Lord’s omniscience prevents the existence of free will.

Michael immediately comes back. Lucifer agrees to battle Amenadiel in a year’s time.  

Through trial by combat, Mazikeen becomes war leader of the Lilim.  

We’re introduced to Christopher Rudd, a dead human sinner from the 18th century who finds himself rising through the ranks of a kingdom of hell.   

Lucifer spends six days to give form to his own Creation.  He opens countless portals between this world and his, and extends an invitation to anyone who wants to make the trip across.  

I particularly like Ormston’s work here. (Observe his magnificent demon babies.)  There’s a striking resemblance to Teddy Kristiansen, which means that it isn’t suitable for a wide variety of comics.  It’s a very distinctive style. But it’s an excellent fit for Lucifer.  


Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Nice

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