Thursday, August 23, 2018


I’m in Cologne, Germany for work, and the hours are crazy, so I’m not getting much writing done.  

Royals 1-6
I mentioned in my Light Brigade review that I wasn’t all that keen with writers mixing WWII with other genres.  Something about the potential of disrespecting those who have risked and sacrificed their lives.  

Clearly I was full of myself, because I was all in on Royals from the get go:  European royal blood grants the monarchs and their children super powers.  Insert them into WWII. Let’s see what happens. It’s gloriously mad, and I love it.  So much crazy fun.

Writer Rob Williams makes the wise decision to focus on the interpersonal relationships of the British royal family.  Those people are seriously messed up, and watching them fail spectacularly at their own lives while trying to fight a war (and mostly mucking things up there as well) makes for some good reading.  The ending’s far too rushed (much like Storming Paradise, another alternative take on WWII), but up until then, I was really having a blast.

Simon Coleby’s pencils and JD Mettler’s colors really look like Jae Lee’s work, and that’s not a bad style to draw comparisons to.  



Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good

It’s the end of Vertigo Box 2!  

Box Summary:
Time spent reading: 21 hours, 28 minutes
Issues read: 176
Issues cut: 29
Highlights (Good or better): Punk Rock Jesus 1-6

Project Summary:
Time spent reading: 10 days, 5 hours, 18 minutes
Issues read: 1990
Issues cut: 260

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