Saturday, August 25, 2018

Scene of the Crime

Scene of the Crime 1-4
I believe this is the first of Ed Brubaker’s long (and ongoing) run of comic noir stories.  (Is comic noir a phrase?) (Hey, I just noticed that he signed my issue one!) It’s got all the elements, with a private detective, mysterious client, a murdered sister, getting beat up by thuggish henchmen, tension with the local cops, and big dramatic reveals.  

Like any number of TV procedurals (Castle, Bones, Elementary (now you have a little view into a small slice of my viewing habits)), the characters really need to be more interesting than the crime and solution.  In this, Brubaker is partially successful. Jack Herriman is a stereotypical private eye, complete with self-destructive streak, an ex-flame who can’t stay angry with him, and a determination to see the case through.  His supporting cast is a little more interesting, particularly his crime photographer uncle, Knut, and his girlfriend Molly.

Brubaker’s future work, particularly on Gotham Central, is far stronger.  But this is entertaining enough, and he displays a knack for cliffhanger one-liners.

Michael Lark is perfect for the art, and he’ll go on to work with Brubaker on Gotham Central.  Calling out how he draws a little physical tick with Maggie in the first issue.  It’s an attention to detail and consistency that I love.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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