Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Spider-Woman, Justice League, Xerxes, Catwoman, Man of Steel

New Comics!
Justice League 3
Aaaannnd with that, Snyder got too weird for me.  The Ultraviolet Corps and the invisible emotional spectrum?  I don’t know what that means. Umbrax, a sentient black sun? Don’t care.  The Source Wall? Tom King’s the only one who’s made me care about the New Gods.  

Jorge Jimenez continues to draw pretty pictures, and Alejandro Sanchez provides beautiful colors.  But it’s not enough for me to keep buying. I’ll flip through the next issue in the store, but it’ll take something amazing to convince me to bring it home.

Xerxes 4
What is this mess of pages?  Frank Miller decides to do away with any kind of coherent plot, jumping from image to image.  He’s giving the reader brief glimpses into moments along a lengthy timeline, and I’m having trouble figuring out how it all fits together.  The re-read will determine if that’s true, but this may be the last Frank Miller series that I buy.

Catwoman 1
It’s a little awkward reading this before the Batman 50 wedding issue, but I went ahead and spoiled myself.  They didn’t get married. Whee.

Joelle Jones is enough for me to give this a shot.  Her art has really grown on me since I first saw it in Lady Killer.  Not that it was bad in that, but the more I see it, the more I like it.  This issue doesn’t disappoint, with an especially fine escape sequence. It’ll get another month.

Gorgeous last panel.

Man of Steel 6
Now this is more like it!  This is the Bendis I was looking for.  Unsurprisingly, this issue succeeds because there’s far less Rogol Zaar (still needed to look up the spelling) and way more Clark/Lois/Jon conversation time.  I love the dynamic Bendis has created for the three for them. They’re a loving family that communicates with honesty and love, but they’re not perfect, either.  

And Bendis is still hilarious.


Spider-Woman 13-17
Dennis Hopeless concludes a wonderful series.  Roger extricates himself (with difficulty) from his villainous past and finds love with Jessica.  Jessica patches things up with Carol. Jessica’s baby develops powers in a very Jack-Jack type scenario.  Tons of fun.

There’s one plot point that generates both the best and worst part of the trade.  Ben Urich’s speech to Jessica after she gets chewed out by Roger’s ex-wife cuts deep, especially because of the truth behind it.  Kalie’s bitterness and anger are completely justified, and Jessica needed to know why.

It also makes Roger and Jessica’s eventual pairing less satisfying.  Usually I’m all for the hero finding happiness, but Hopeless revealed what’s rarely seen - how the consequences affect those left behind.  Roger has a flesh and blood daughter, but has devoted the vast majority of his time to another child. It’s unsettling, and I think it’s meant to be.  

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty good

With that, I close out Marvel Box 8!  Time for stats.

Box Summary:
Time spent reading: 26 hours, 9 minutes
Issues read: 233
Issues cut: 32
Highlights (Good or better): Amazing Spider-Man 38, Peter Parker: Spider-Man 20, Peter Parker: Spider-Man 35, Squadron Supreme 1-12, Supreme Power 1-18, Nighthawk 1-6, Thunderbolts 110-121

Project Summary:
Time spent reading: 8 days, 8 hours, 52 minutes
Issues read: 1613
Issues cut: 221

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