Saturday, July 28, 2018

Jack of Fables, Action Comics, Walk Through Hell, Doomsday Clock

New comics!
A Walk Through Hell 3
I wish that the cover hadn’t given away what would have been a shocking page-turn reveal, but the visual is still jaw-dropping nonetheless.  In any case, things start making sense with this issue. The bad guy makes himself known, and this series is no longer just a mood piece. A plot starts to emerge, hinting at something that I’m sure will be terrifying.  I’m feeling a lot better about sticking with this Garth Ennis title. (As opposed to something like Jimmy’s Bastards, which I wish I had dropped earlier than I did.)

Imagine it with the skin on.

Doomsday Clock 6
Halfway through the series and I still don’t know where it’s going.  I’m not complaining, though. Geoff John continues to focus on the characters from the Watchmen universe, and as long as he writes them this vividly, I’ll deal whatever release schedule he wants.  Still loving Mime and Marionette, though I suspect that continued exposure will make them less interesting after Doomsday Clock ends. It’s a combination of Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, and the novelty of their schtick that makes them sparkle, and it just doesn’t feel sustainable.  (Though I fervently hope that it is.)

Action Comics 1001
First off, David Mack cover!

Loving Bendis’ Superman portrayal.  Which is good, because I’m less impressed by his new villain (Red Cloud) and his new annoying reporter (Trish Q).

Jack of Fables 21-26
Yeah, so not interested.  I don’t care about Jack, his adventures, the Literals, Revise, Bookburner, or just about anything else in this title.  Jack of Fables has two things going for it: Hot librarians (not very evolved of me) and Babe.  Apparently twenty-six issues was how far those two things can carry a substandard comic book before I quit buying it.  I won’t be missing these at all.

Regret buying? Yes
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck (cutting)

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