Friday, July 13, 2018


DMZ 18-28
I’m definitely commending past me for the decision to stop buying this comic.  (Though I still have one trade left to read.) Once again, there’s nothing wrong with either the writing or the art.  Given the premise, Brian Wood executes it about as finely as anyone could. I completely buy this broken America of his.  The juxtaposition of New Yorkers living in their new normal and the possibility of random death at any moment creates a very real tension.  The government’s compulsion and ability to whitewash the reality of the situation requires no stretch of the imagination. The sheer fucked-upness of the entire scenario comes across loud and clear.  

Riccardo Burchielli and the backup artists play just as big a role in selling the story.  The grime, the dilapidated streets and buildings, residents who haven’t showered in weeks, brutal violence - It all comes across perfectly.   Burchielli has a lot of Goran Parlov in his style, who’s art would have fit in just fine here.

Hey look, Barracuda is in DMZ!
Nope, never mind.  This is the actual Barracuda.

The problem is that I just don’t enjoy reading DMZ.  It’s too close to the truth in its grimness. It’s similar to how entertainment violence gets harder to stomach the more realistic it gets.  And like the previous trade, today’s batch ends with no real victories for Matty and his friends. Also, the six issues Wood uses to focus on individual characters tell truncated, unsatisfying stories that don’t really do much more than reinforce the lack of hope in this world.  

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine for 18-22, Didn’t suck for 23-28

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