Saturday, July 29, 2023

New movies


Christopher Nolan makes technically proficient movies, and they look amazing, but aside from The Dark Knight, I’ve never wanted to watch one a second time.  (And that one’s because of Heath Ledger’s singular performance, not because of the direction.)  I find his films emotionally distant, and that works for some directors, it doesn’t for Nolan.  

So much of this movie doesn’t work.  Robert Downey Jr’s a caricatured mustache-twirling villain.  Florence Pugh’s role is titillating but unnecessary.  Emily Blunt plays the generic disapproving wife.  The splicing in of cosmic, fiery dream sequences adds nothing.  It’s never fun to watch bullies do their thing with no repercussions, and that takes up half of the film here.  

What’s good, then?  Cillian Murphy is excellent in his understated way.  Matt Damon steals every scene he’s in.  The Trinity test is a work of art.  Any time the narrative focused on the Manhattan Project.

Looking at the reviews, I appear to be in the minority.  But there’s no way this is the masterpiece that I keep reading about.  It’s not even in the top half of his filmography.

Regret watching? No

Would watch again? No

Would buy on DVD? No

Rating: Fine


The Steph Curry documentary on Apple TV.  It basically covers his 4th championship season and his years at Davidson.  It’s not bad, but nothing that can’t also be found in a few youtube clips.

Regret watching? No

Would watch again? No

Would buy on DVD? No

Rating: Nice

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