Saturday, February 6, 2021

Bendis' Uncanny X-Men

Uncanny X-Men 1-11

I didn’t get this Brian Michael Bendis series when it first came out, I got it in trades later on.  I’m not sure why, I got All-New X-Men from the get go.  Probably because Cyclops is such a tool.  Which he is.  But despite him, this is still an excellent Bendis title.  This is where he introduces the world to Goldballs.  GOLDBALLS!

This is fun, engrossing stuff.  Chris Bachalo’s in not-too-confusing mode, and rotating partner artist Frazer Irving has some impressive moments.

Black Lives Matters before it happened?

Love the Magik as Cloud look.


LOVE what Irving does with the Stepford Cuckoos replication.  It's gorgeous and eerie.

More of that.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good 

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