Monday, February 8, 2021

All-New X-Men

All-New X-Men 1-15

Jumping to All-New X-Men so that I’m up to date on both titles before the Battle of the Atom crossover.  

The best way that I can explain this series is that I can’t imagine a better execution of the concept - Bring the original five 1963 X-Men to the present day and see what happens.  It’s exciting, fun, and full of the interpersonal drama that Brian Michael Bendis can do so well.  The rotating art team of Stuart Immonen and David Marquez is even better than the one over on Uncanny X-Men.

Just seeing Immonen's art on a cover makes me happy.

Excellent use of shadow.

Understandable frustration.

So good.

Gorgeous colors by Marte Gracia

Truthfully, how many of us does this apply to as well?

Bendis does Kitty speeching better than Claremont.

Wonderful lettering job by Cory Petit.

Yes.  Everyone believes you.

Nice wordless storytelling by David LaFuente.

So why does this get the same rating as Uncanny?  Perhaps it’s because the two titles are so intricately tied together, with the same writer, that they end up reading very similarly.  We’ll see if that continues through their runs.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good 

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