Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, New Comics

New comics!

Fire Power 6

Another long action scene.  I’ve completely lost interest in this, and I’ve cancelled my sub.  Sadness, it started out with such promise.

Strange Adventures 7

Adam Strange goes through some sort of mindfuck acid trip.  Makes little sense, but it’s still fascinating.

Batman/Catwoman 1

Same with the second Tom King title this week.  He jumps around chronologically, and I’m going to say what I do for every single King first issue: I have no idea what’s going on, but I’m along for the ride.

DCeased: Dead Planet 6

More of the high quality same.  Not much more to say.

Blood Stain Vol 1-3

I’m slowly catching up on everything in the Sejic-verse, and got the chance to buy the first three volumes of this used for the price of one.  Excellent deal.  This story is enjoyable enough, but Linda has major pacing issues - One volume for Elliot to make it to the house, another to get through her first day...this is going to take forever to get anywhere.  Still, her work deserves supporting, and I’ll probably end up buying her work as it comes out in trade.  (They first show up in webcomic form.)

Okay, now I’m caught up to where I first started collecting X-Men, and therefore comics.  Exciting stuff.  I’ll be reading Uncanny and X-Men in parallel, so that the crossovers make more sense.  It’s also how I read them the first time around.

Uncanny X-Men 281-283

The first appearance of Bishop.  It can’t be overstated just how much 282 (my first comic, not counting my elementary school Transformers collection) completely captured my middle school imagination.  There was so much backstory I wanted to learn about, so much mystery with Bishop and the Upstarts.  I was obsessed with finding out everything I could about this universe.  That nostalgia completely carries over now, paired with the wonderful Whilce Portacio art.  

The issue that started it all for me.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Uncanny X-Men 284-286

This is where things start falling apart on the re-read - The writing by John Byrne is really sloppy.  So many things don’t make sense, like how switching minds somehow switching powers as well.  There’s a dissociation between the images and the words on the page that speaks to poor collaboration between the creative team.  And the story returning Colossus’ brother to the land of the living is uninspired.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine


Uncanny X-Men 287-290

Things get a little bit better when Bishop becomes the focus of the story.  And then there’s Forge’s proposal to Ororo.  I’m really conflicted about how this is executed.  Forge proposes more as a solution for not spending enough time w/ Ororo than out of true love.  Storm seems ready to sublimate everything she is - a leader, warrior, strong woman - to be a wife devoted to her husband.  Then Jean suggests that Storm isn’t truly in love with Forge (who’s already expressing major proposal remorse).  So Forge preemptively dumps Storm and runs off with Mystique (?), who’s only now undergoing an identity crisis despite having spent decades as a shapeshifter (??).  Finally Storm reveals she was going to say yes; Was Jean wrong?  Was Storm deluding herself?  Was Forge an idiot?  It makes for good soap opera drama, but it feels very clunky and in service of plot more than any characterization I’m familiar with.  (Also what’s with the heavy undertones of pairing Bishop w/ Storm?  Gotta hook up the two black people on the team?  It’s like Rise of Skywalker.)

Great colors by Joe Rosas.

Love the lighting on Malcolm.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice


Uncanny X-Men 291-293

My first exposure to Tom Raney’s art.  It’s unnecessarily posey, and I was pleasantly surprised when his Stormwatch run four years later turned out to be quite good.  A vast improvement.  Regarding the story, Mikhail Rasputin’s sudden turn to madness makes little sense, as does writer Scott Lobdell’s decision to write him out only ten months after his introduction.  (Though it’s not like he was the one who reintroduced him, so this may have been quickest way he could get rid of him.)

The situation doesn't merit this level of posing.

This one especially doesn't.

Raney really sells Peter's grief here.

What's with all the crying?  Seems out of character.  Also, her plants should already have been destroyed along w/ the mansion.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

X-Men 1-11

Jim Lee on the title that made him famous.  It’s just as fun to look at now as it was almost 30 years ago.  The writing was better on Uncanny (Chris Claremont leaves after issue 3, ending a legendary 15 year run), but middle school me hardly cared.  Present day me does, though, so this doesn’t rate as highly as one might expect.  (Doesn’t mean I’m not going to show a ton of pics here)


Never understood how Magneto could bend paper cards.

Psychic knife #7.  Surprisingly, the last one I could find.  Thought there would be more.

Bye, Chris.  Thanks for one of the best runs ever.

Their first flirt.

I love it when the X-Men play sports.

Beautiful coloring on Dazzler.

Heh, "Jubilation."

Love the smile on Rogue's face.  She looks so happy.

Cute polka dot bikini.

This was a Bo Derek "10" moment for middle school me.

I like seeing them all gathered like this.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good, Nice for 10 and 11.

Ghost Rider 26-27

Part of the Brood crossover w/ X-Men.  Perfectly serviceable, but comes across as worse when Ron Wagner’s art has to stand next to Lee’s.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

X-Men 12-13

Art Thibert, known for inking, comes in as penciller.  He’s basically a Jim Lee clone, with much stiffer posing.  It’s sad to look at.  The story isn’t much better.

Poor Thibert.  He's trying so hard, but just can't get there.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Boring

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