Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Uncanny X-Men, New Comics

New comics!

Shang-Chi 3

More fighting.  I probably wouldn’t buy this again if given the chance, but I’m too far into this to not get the last two issues.

Marvel Action: Chillers 2

Same thing with this, and I want to support Jeremy Whitley’s work.

Uncanny X-Men 270-277

X-Factor 60-62

New Mutants 95-97

I think this is my favorite stretch of Jim Lee’s X-Men, ever more than his run on the adjectiveless title.  There’s just a touch more energy and excitement to it.  Letting the art do most of the talking here:

I know Josh Brolin plays him in the Deadpool movie, but...

...I think John C McGinley would make a great Cable.

Seems like Jean and Ororo are always having reunions...

...after one of them is no longer dead.

Hodge, drawn by Lee, is legit terrifying.

Psychic knife 3

Psychic knife 4.  In the same issue, no less!

A huge building block in the Legend of Gambit (for me).

Love this perspective from Lee.

Same with this.  Great hero posing of Magneto.

Happy Rogue is so cute.

Nice speed lines, so much dynamism on this page.

Psychic knife 5

Issue 277 is on my short list of favorite X-Men comic.  There's so much cool Gambit!

So many awesome fight scenes, including this one...

...which effortlessly flows from beat to beat.

BTW, I LOVE short hair Storm.

So badass.

My favorite page in one of my favorite issues.

Psychic knife 6

273 is an amazing artist jam issue.  This page by Whilce Portacio makes me feel so nostalgic.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy (270-272, 277), Really good (273-276), Didn’t suck for X-Factor and New Mutants

Uncanny X-Men 278-280

X-Factor 69-70

The Muir Island Saga.  Maybe this would have been good if Lee had drawn it, but alas.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

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