Saturday, August 15, 2020

New comics, Sanctuary

New comics!

Ragnarok: Breaking of Helheim 6

I bought this to finish out the series.  Fine, but not much more than that.  I won’t be getting future minis.

DCeased: Dead Planet 2

So good.  The Plastic Man stuff was pretty shocking.  

Strange Adventures 4

Mr Terrific is the best part of this series so far, he’s really the one I want to be following around.  The Adam Strange stuff is secondary to me.

Sanctuary 1-9

Taking a break from the short boxes to re-read this classic manga.  I love this story of two best friends seeking to change Japan, taking parallel tracks through the government and the yakuza.  Their rise to the top, boldness, and outside-the-box thinking make for a super fun read, and damn if they don’t know how to strike effective power poses.  

On the other hand, this is a super misogynistic comic.  Writer Sho Fumimura and artist Ryoichi Ikegami treat their female characters as eye candy to be raped (not that they don’t secretly love it *sarcasm*) or weak characters unable to control their sexual impulses.  Barf.

It’s a huge problem with the book, for all that, this is still an amazing series - Every other aspect of it is just about note perfect.  (Even if the ending is super rushed.)    

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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