Saturday, February 8, 2020

New Comics

New comics from the last couple of weeks!
Captain Marvel 14
More pretty Lee Garbett art.  Still all I need for this arc.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight 6
The Sean Murphy art is so damn good!!!

Lois Lane 8
I wasn’t going to buy this, but my LCS said I had to because I hadn’t taken it off my sub.  Puts me in a shitty mood, especially since this issue just confirmed my decision to drop it.

Hawkeye: Freefall 2
Man, so much good art in this batch, this time from Otto Schmidt.  Matt Rosenberg knows how to write a funny comic.

Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity 3
This is Silence of the Lambs with Harley and the Joker, and it’s such a different vibe.  Still liking this departure from the usual DC fare.

Die 1-5
Picked up the first trade after hearing a lot of good things about this.  I didn’t pick this up when it first came out because writer Kieron Gillen’s previous creator-owned series, The Wicked + The Divine completely bombed for me.  I chucked them before the re-read with no second thought.

Anyway, this is really good.  Can’t wait to pick up the next trade my next visit to the comic shop.  I love Gillen’s spin on D&D classes and rules. Stephanie Hans’ art is a little too dark in the color palette for my taste, but there’s no denying it’s beautiful and perfect for the grim world that these creators have constructed.  

Thinking about it some more, this might be one of those “great the first time through, no need to revisit” comics.  Hmm. Well, it deserves my money at least one more time. (Ten bucks for the first five issues is great value.)

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