Sunday, February 9, 2020

Blue Beetle, Booster Gold

Blue Beetle 27-36
Booster Gold 21-25, 28, 29
Blue Beetle: Rebirth 1
Lilah Sturges takes over on writing duties, and it seeing that name on the cover did not excite me - Her work on Jack of Fables disappointed, and I wasn’t expecting better here. 

Sadly, my expectations were met.  These Blue Beetle stories are run-of-the-mill superhero stories, with some uninteresting takes on the “is the source of my powers turning me into a monster?” trope.  The short adventures from what I assume are backups from Booster Gold are equally meh.  Easy cuts, especially since the Giffen/Rogers run tied everything up so neatly - I can end with those issues and not feel like I’m missing out on anything after.

(The Rebirth issue didn’t do anything for me either, even with the return of Giffen.  The returned-from-the-dead Ted Kord annoys the heck out of me, and he makes a poor complement to Jaime Reyes.)

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Didn’t suck (Fine for Rebirth, Scott Kolins does some great art.  Cutting all of them)

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