Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Peter Parker: Spider-Man, Man of Steel, Doomsday Clock, Invisible Republic

New Comics!
Man of Steel 1
After months of build up and two meh preview stories, Bendis starts his Superman run in earnest.  It’s got Bendis’ humor and still feels like Superman. I like deputy fire chief Melody Moore, but I’m not sure why she’s here.  Romantic interest? Bendis hasn’t revealed why there’s tension between Lois and Clark yet, and I’m not looking forward to someone coming between them.  At the same time, her slip as Superman flies away is adorable.

Rogol Zaar could not be more generic right now.  Really bored by him.

Doomsday Clock 5
Things are starting to get going.  The DC characters are getting more page time, which saddens me a bit.  I was happy reading this as a straight up Watchmen sequel. Still enjoying it.  Love Gary Frank’s Joker.

Invisible Republic 1-5
I heard some good things about this series, but it didn’t look interesting enough to buy at full price.  But five bucks for the first trade? That’s makes it worth a shot.

Gabriel Hardman and Corinna Bechko tell the story of a reporter digging into the fall of a farming colony’s reigning regime on a faraway moon.  Interwoven into it is the origin of that government’s leader and his rise to power. It’s well told and engaging enough, but very much a one and done kind of thing.  I’ll keep it around for the re-read, but not expecting my opinion to change.

Peter Parker: Spider-Man 20, 33, 35, 37, 38
Paul Jenkins and Mark Buckingham did an extended run on Spider-Man, and I selectively purchased it based on the reviews I read at the time.    

Issue 33 - A heartwarming story about Peter’s annual baseball game tradition with Uncle Ben.  

Issue 35 - Mindblowing.  A little African-American boy copes with his far-less-than-ideal circumstances by daydreaming that he’s best friends with Spider-Man.  It’s truly amazing, and the final page where LaFronce shakes hands with his imaginary buddy says everything that needs to be said about the importance of representation and role models for kids.  I love the cover, I love the last panel, and I love everything in between.

Humberto Ramos cover.

Mark Buckingham final page.

Speaking of representation.  Beautiful Tom Beland art.
Issue 38 - Another Nuff Said silent issue.  It’s a rare failure in execution from Mark Buckingham, but the beginning is sublime.  

And the best title ever:

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: 20 - Good; 33 - Nice; 35 - PURE JOY; 37, 38 - Fine

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