Sunday, August 11, 2024

New comics

New comics!

Scarlett 3

This reads like a great Chuck Dixon action comic.  Lots of fun.

Uncanny X-Men 266

I picked up a reprint of the first appearance of Gambit because it fills a tiny gap in my Uncanny run.  It’s really not a good issue; Mike Collins’ art pretty much ruins any good times.  Remy LeBeau’s lucky that Jim Lee started drawing him almost immediately, or he may not have lasted very long on the roster.

Fantastic Four 22

Not the strongest issue, but I love the setup at the end; Apparently the events in the main Blood Hunt issues have led to Doctor Doom saving the day and earning the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme.  Excellent.  This sounds like Norman Osborne becoming the head of SHIELD, only fun.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1

I like the Turtles, but I’m only picking this up because of the A+ creative team of Jason Aaron and Joelle Jones.  Holy crap, that’s an amazing lineup.  (It’s not going to last, because it sounds like they’re going with a different artist with each issue, but they’re only going with winners.  I’ll be sticking around for this twelve-issue maxi.)

Ultimate Spider-Man 7

Peter and Harry test out their suits against each other.  They both make idiotic choices when imbuing their suit AI with personalities.  (Peter chooses himself, Harry opts for his father.)  I still can’t believe Jonathan Hickman is writing something this fun and coherent.

Wonder Woman 11

Useless Absolute Power tie-in.  Damian becomes a Swiftie in the hilarious backup.


Zatanna: Bring Down the House 2

Mostly a fight scene.  It’s fine, and it’s not like I’m going to stop buying this.

Transformers 10

Once again, I feel like I should be loving this way more than I am.  It’s great on every level but the emotional one.

Uncanny Valley 4

I’d stop buying this if there weren’t only 2 issues left; The concept is far more interesting than the execution.

Get Fury 3

More set up.  

Nightwing 116

Not the best Tom Taylor Nightwing story, but it’s fun, and I love the reveal at the end, as ridiculous as it looks.

Batman: Dark Age 4

Continues to be a fun Elseworlds.

Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter 1

I wasn’t going to get this, given that the original series was one of Tom Taylor’s weaker efforts, and he isn’t even the writer on this.  (I’ve never heard of Jay Kristoff.)  Imagine my surprise when this take on Deathstroke was immensely entertaining!  I’m in.

Big Burn 1

The second title I’ve gotten from new publisher Dstlry.  I bought this on the strength of Joe Henderson and Lee Garbett’s previous collaborations, knowing absolutely nothing else about it.  Turns out it’s Ocean’s Eleven in Hell.  Great elevator pitch and even better execution.  I’m skeptical about the Devil being actually blind to what’s going on, but we’ll see how it pans out.

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