Monday, May 6, 2024

New comics

It seems like I can’t get to the comic shop more than once a month now.

Batman: Dark Age 1-2

It’s not like I was that impressed by Superman: Space Age.  But I was still compelled to buy this follow up by Mark Russell and Mike Allred.  It’s not a bad Elseworlds, pretty much the definition of Nice.

Ultimate Spider-Man 1-4

I was going to ignore this; a reboot of the Ultimate universe felt completely unnecessary.  Knowing Jonathan Hickman was the chief architect only reinforced my indifference.  He’s a decent idea man, but his execution usually leaves much to be desired.  But I read some good reviews, and picked up the first three issues.  Imagine my pleasant surprise when this turned out to read nothing like a Hickman title; It’s fun, bright, and has a coherent narrative.  I’ll stick around as long as those things continue to be true.

Ultimate X-Men 2

This isn’t a bad comic, but it’s not an X-Men comic.  And I’m not in the market for a horror high school manga.  This’ll get one more issue.

Love Everlasting 14

I don’t have anything to say about this, but it’s still good.  This’ll be interesting to read all at once.

Nightwing 113

It’s good to see Daniele Di Nicuolo, Tom Taylor’s Seven Secrets partner, back in action.  It’s even better seeing the return to Bruno Redondo, getting his feet wet before next month begins Taylor’s final Nightwing story arc.  Howard Porter is unrecognizable (in a good way) in the backup story.  

Batman: Off-World 4

This is losing its initial appeal, but I’m pot-committed at this point.

Transformers 7

Does Jorge Corona pass the art test?  Yes, but I’m still on the fence with this title.  It’s not bad by any stretch, but I find myself emotionally uninvested.

Birds of Prey 8

Certainly amusing, enough to keep it around.  But not really memorable.

Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees 5

Sam engages in some soul searching, embarks on a vision quest, and decides to fight back. Very much a filler issue, but I expect things to get back on track next month.

Crave 5

Penultimate issue.  I’d stop buying if it weren’t ending next month.

Fantastic Four 19

Ryan North writes a film noir.  Carlos Gomez’s art is perfect for it, but the story isn’t one of North’s stronger ones.  

Penguin 9

A set up issue as Tom King uses a bunch of inner monologues to give us insights into a number of characters. 

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