Friday, November 17, 2023

New comics

I’ve noticed a definite decrease in my enthusiasm for reading comics in the last few months.  It might be because I’m reading them far less frequently; for the last five years, I’ve been reading them every day.  Before that, I’d read new comics at least once a week for about fifteen years. 

Now, I’m not able to get to the LCS on a regular basis, so I’m not feeding the habit nearly as frequently anymore.  It makes me sad, and I’m wondering if I should do something about it.

Anyway, new comics!

March 1-3

The many-award winning graphic novel by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell.  I couldn’t turn down the six dollar price tag at the library book sale.

There’s really nothing new here that I didn’t know before, but I applaud the endeavor to share this vital part of American history in one of my favorite mediums.  It’s not a fun read by any estimation, but it’s a worthy one.  

Avengers 6-7

This title is definitely running out of steam after a rousing start.  The fights are fine, but this is far from the most interesting of Avengers lineups, and the villains are way too cookie cutter to keep me engaged.  This might get another arc to prove itself.

Transformers 2

Daniel Warren Johnson’s art continues to be wonderful; His depiction of Starscream versus some fighter jets is excellent in its brutal one-sidedness.  I’ll probably stick around for as long as Johnson does.  

Birds of Prey 3

Kelly Thompson continues to impress with this girl group.  She nails Harley’s voice.  The battle between Green Arrow and Wonder Woman is super fun.  The art and colors by Leonardo Romero and Jordie Bellaire are super evocative of a past age of comics. 

Superman 7

I run so hot and cold on this title.  Things are definitely cold right now.  This new villain (The Chained) interests me zero.  It doesn’t help that Jamal Campbell didn’t draw this issue.  (It’s a jam session because this is issue 850 with legacy numbering.)  Once again, this is on probation for me.  A couple of months at best to convince me not to drop it.

Nightwing 107

Dick Grayson goes full pirate (read: open shirt, revealing plenty of chest).  I’m so in, this is hilariously awesome.  

Who can blame her?

Fables 160

Sigh.  I wished I cared about this title as much as I used to.  Just playing out the string.

Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees 1

An iFanboy recommendation.  Elevator pitch: There’s a community of anthropomorphic animals.  One of them is a serial killer, living amongst them in secret.  What happens when another serial killer shows up?  

I don’t know, but I can’t wait to find out.  Patrick Horvath kills it with an excellent first issue.

House of M 1-8

Got this cheap at a sale.  It’s not the best or worst of Elseworlds stories.  (Brian Michael Bendis has really done a bunch of these over his career…)  The highlight, of course, is the infamous, “No more mutants.”  Overlooked, I think, is the emotional fallout of having your deepest wishes fulfilled and then cruelly ripped away.  Spidey’s reaction is completely human, and I would have like to see some followup on it.  It’s like when Buffy died, went to heaven, and was then pulled back to the hell that is Earth.  How do you go on after something like that?

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