Tuesday, October 10, 2023

New comics

New comics!

Avengers 5

Very little actually happens here, but it’s still all very exciting.  And it ends w/ a very nice “Not today” moment, even if it does rip off Syrio Forel.

Birds of Prey 2

Setting up the next issue.  Kelly Thompson uses the time to build characters and relationships.  Lots of fun, looking forward to next month.  Such an interesting color palette choice by Jordie Bellaire.

Danger Street 9

I got this after iFanboy gave it a good review as a bottle issue.  Sure, I dropped this title earlier as a rare Tom King misfire, but I was up for a good one-shot.  Manhunter and some nameless assassin fight and philosophize on a rooftop for a whole issue.  It’s not the best single issue ever (King labeled it one of the best things he’s ever written), but I applaud the boldness.

Transformers 1

I was all in once I heard that Daniel Warren Johnson was going to write and draw one of my favorite childhood franchises.  This is a surprisingly by-the-numbers retelling of their origin story, but the art is dynamic in that Johnson way, and I’m certainly going to read more.

Fantastic Four 12

The Fantastic Four travel to an alternate universe where the Avengers (and everyone else) are dinosaurs.  It was about time, given Ryan North’s claim to fame as the creator of the stellar Dinosaur Comics webcomic.  This is inspired, hilarious, amazing stuff.  And then there’s the last page:


Penguin 2

Penguin recruits the retired, 85-year-old The Help.  Given the mystique Tom King built around this guy, I don’t buy that he’s so easily broken by Cobblepot.  This sudden show of competence by Penguin doesn’t quite work for me.

Batman: Brave and the Bold 5

Tom King’s chilling Joker title finally returns to this title.  This show of competence totally works for me.  And Mitch Gerads draws one of the scariest Joker’s I’ve ever seen.


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